Our Team & Our Commitment

Wiederrich Chiropractic Clinic provides chiropractic care for many common conditions involving the spine and extremities.  We treat patients using chiropractic adjustments and other joint mobilization techniques.  We also provide our patients with specific home care instructions, with the goals of shortening recovery times and maximizing healing.  


Specializing in care for the spine, chiropractors use primarily hands-on techniques to perform what are referred to as "spinal adjustments".  These adjustments are done to improve the function of the joints of the spine or extremities.  In addition to the mechanical effects, there are also neurological and physiological benefits associated with spinal adjustments.  Our primary adjusting techniques are Diversified, Thompson Drop Table, and Activator Method. 


  • Back Injuries
  • Herniated Discs
  • Sciatica
  • Sports Injuries
  • Neurological Conditions
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Headaches


We will perform an initial examination to determine if you have a health issue that can be helped by chiropractic care.  All of our treatment plans are based on your individual response to care and not a one-size-fits-all approach.  Some patients respond quickly, while others may require more care.  There are also some conditions that unfortunately cannot be resolved with chiropractic care.  In those circumstances, we will make referrals to other healthcare providers to get you the care you need.